
Main Page: Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol and Block Watch

Page history last edited by Villa de Paz PNP member 9 years, 9 months ago


Welcome to



Welcome to all residents of Villa de Paz,

including residents of Laurelwood,

The Winds of Campbell, Vineyards,

Discovery and Desert Breeze HOAs.


Get Involved Now

Attend Monthly Neighborhood meetings! 

They are the 2nd Thursday of every month (except June).


Next meeting July 9th

6:30 pm at Villa de Paz Elementary School Hope Center

(located next to Dust Devil park). 

Agenda:  2015-04-09 AgendaVDPBW.doc

See minutes of last meeting posted here to know what's going on in our community!

 2015-3-12 BWVDP Minutes.doc 2015-4-09 BWVDP Minutes.doc     2015-5-14 BWVDP Minutes.doc

Newsworthy Items or Questions: Contact Alan Gaugert at Dustybw@gmail.com, Block Watch Captain


Quarterly large item pickup begins Monday July 13th

Have your items out by Sunday PM.


Next Coffee with a Cop is TBA

Maryvale Estrella Mountain Precinct!

Get to know your local police officers, ask questions, voice concerns or just enjoy a cup of coffee.

For more information, contact Officer Zielin at (602) 495-0354 or pamela.zielin@phoenix.gov


Neighborhood Clean-up Saturday April  4th was a success!




“See Something – Say Something”


107th Ave Revitalization:
The canal is piped!  There should be an “artist” discussion sometime in May or June.


Getting Arizona Involved In Neighborhoods (GAIN) – Nov 15th was a great success!


Pictures from our Community Clean Up on Nov 1st


Thank you to the planning/coordination team, especially Alan Gaugert at Dustybw@gmail.com
There was an Open House for the addition to the Hope center
-- VDP Elem School kids helped plan and ran it.
   Silent auction, a live Band, bounce houses; games, basketball exhibition; food; options to help with fund-raising for school activities; to name a few!

Veterans Recognition event – 10 Nov

   VDP Elementary hosted Veterans and had a small presentation to honor those who have served.  Host is Mr. Mike Newall, a veteran and VDP teacher.
NOTE: A local group is trying to identify veteran’s that need assistance with their homes, to include access challenges. They have funds for wheelchair ramp construction but are having difficulty matching funds with those in need. If you have any ideas of someone who could use the help, let me know.
Also, the students at VDP are ready to lend a hand to residents that might require some assistance cleaning up around their homes.  If you are aware of anyone in that situation, let me know.


Camelback Ranch Development Information - Withdrawn!

A proposed new development north of the Camelback Ranch ballpark, on the west side of 107th Ave

Their proposal:  CamelbackRanch Dev.pdf 



https://www.phoenix.gov/police/precincts/estrella-mountain (Police)
 https://www.phoenix.gov/report-it (Blight, streetlights, crime, street maintenance)
https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/ (Recycle Bank)
Website: pnpatvilladepaz.pbworks.com Email: dustybw@gmail.com
Nextdoor: https://villadepaz.nextdoor.com/

Text 911

May start on 15 May. Put 911 in the message line – give location and crime;

will receive a bounce-back if system does not work.

  Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository (LEEDIR) – combines images from civilians to solve crimes like the Boston Marathon


Pictures from the work day on April 7th, 2014




Connect, share, and help keep our neighborhoods safe!


107th Ave Revitalization Update

Dirt has started turning! The public art portion of the project is beginning the planning stages. Presentation at Oct 9 BW meeting by the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture. Elizabeth Grajales presented information on the process of how art work gets into and onto community areas.  Artist selection beginning soon.  If you are interested in being part of the group, contact Dave Dyer.


Villa de Paz Golf Course: Developer plan to build housing on the course

Golf Course: Jeff O’Toole reported that VDP United had met with the owners and several options were given. These options would put more homes on the current course, add multi-family and cause modifications to the course layout. VDP United did not agree to any of these provisions and additional meetings will take place in the future. The bottom line – the course is making money and the threat to close the course seems to be past, at least for the near future.  More details to follow.


Villa de Paz Recreation Assoc (VdPRA) update 

VdPRA is now closed. The possibility of forming a special tax district to support the rec center as a pocket park is being researched by VdP United.
The setup of the tax district will required the signed support of 75% of the VDP community.
When approved, funds gathered will be managed by an advisory council of homeowners who will purchase the property, build and maintain the new pocket park for all members of the community.
Any decision by City Council has been moved to a yet to be determined future date.
There will be additional details to follow.

For more details see PnpPost.14.08.27.pdf


Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol

Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol training is available in our local area (English and Spanish available). 

Contact Alan Gaugert, Villa de Paz Block Watch Captain,

at  dustybw@gmail.com or 623.877.3674 for more information.


See articles in sidebar about

Jobs workshop

Jackie Water's Fundraiser

changes in Phoenix Animal Cruelty Laws

See <general information> folder, click on <Files> tab.



Enjoy Dust Devil Park!

 107th Ave & Camelback Rd,

15-acre park with skate park, splash pad, lighted basketball court, walking exercise paths, playground with separate play areas for younger and older kids, open grass areas, restroom, security lighting, more than 300 trees, solar panel powered picnic ramadas.


Dust Devil Park is owned and maintained by the City of Phoenix.  It opened Nov 3, 2012.  Our PNP volunteers monitor the park regularly.  Please help us be calling 911 or Crimestop 602-262-6151, anytime you see anything that needs attention.  There is a dispenser for pet waste bags in the southeast corner of the park.  It is designed to hold any kind of bag, so save your bread, produce and grocery bags and restock it. This is a great example of "Reduce/Reuse/Recycle!"


More information on the parks, preserves, centers and programs of the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department is available online at phoenix.gov/parks or by calling 602-262-6862.  Information on Dust Devil Park also is available by calling the department regional office for this park area at 602-262-6575.



Make a difference!

Please contact the Phoenix police or silent witness if you suspect any suspicious activity. 

Call Crimestop at 602-262-6151 or 911

Silent Witness  at W-I-T-N-E-S-S, that’s 480-948-6377, or toll free at 1-800-343-TIPS.


Phoenix Bike Master Plan


The City of Phoenix is developing a comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Master Plan to make bicycling safer, more convenient and more comfortable so that a greater number of people have the opportunity to ride a bike for transportation or recreaton.

Visit http://wikimapping.net/wikimap/Phoenix-Bicycle-Master-Plan.html 

Phoenix would like to learn where you currently bike, and places you would bike if the street or bikeway were improved. Use this map to add points and lines to identify problem intersections and routes, route you currently ride, and places you go. Mark as many areas as you like.  You can also comment on other users' routes and points.  For more information on the plan, visit  http:  www.phoenix.gov/streets 



Fireworks Information

What is legal in Phoenix (not the same as what's for sale)?

Here's a link to the allowed fireworks page on the Phoenix police dept website.


Permitted use June 24 - July 6 only!



Get Informed - Also this website includes:

  • Minutes of recent Villa de Paz Neighborhood meetings
  • issue blogs
  • topic information 
  • contacts (who you need to call)
  • and more!! 

Topic pages are on the right hand side of this main page.


Don't know where to start? Have questions?




https://www.phoenix.gov/police/precincts/estrella-mountain (Police)

 https://www.phoenix.gov/report-it (Blight, streetlights, crime, street maintenance) 

https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/ (Recycle Bank)

Website: pnpatvilladepaz.pbworks.com Email: dustybw@gmail.com

Nextdoor: https://villadepaz.nextdoor.com/


Comments (4)

Villa de Paz PNP member said

at 10:17 pm on Nov 14, 2011

You can also get a mail box at The Mail Shoppe in the Savers shopping center.

Villa de Paz PNP member said

at 12:47 pm on Aug 30, 2012

Westview High School went into lock down Monday 8/27 from 1:22 to
2:02pm, because of an incident in Phoenix. They said they had a report
that a burglary suspect was nearby, in Phoenix on foot with warrants and
a possible weapon. A friend said she saw a chopper near 107th Ave. and
Indian School.

Villa de Paz PNP member said

at 12:49 pm on Aug 30, 2012

Officer Mario Lozoya #8155, Community Programs Squad, Estrella Mountain Precinct, Phoenix Police Department, 602-495-0931, says:
The incident began when a traffic stop was conducted near the intersection of 107th ave and Indian school rd on a subject who had various warrants and was a suspect in various burglaries. Upon activating the overhead lights, the subject ran from the vehicle and into Villa De Paz community. A perimeter was established and the suspect was located hiding in a residence. He was the only suspect in the incident and he was booked into 4th ave. I hope this put you all at ease and if there is anything else I can answer please feel free to ask. Thanks again for caring.

Villa de Paz PNP member said

at 12:47 am on Oct 13, 2012

PNP people,

School breaks can be a time for extra vigilance. Kids can get bored with less structure to their days, and get into mischief. Also, many will be home alone, as their parents are at work.

We know the swimming pools and basketball courts are an attractive destination for bored kids. Please call if you see evidence of suspicious activities or trespassing at Villa de Paz Rec Center. We called Crime Stop today to report a sleeping bag and pillow tucked under a bench near the baby pool. Also, someone had pulled a lounge chair into the shower area to sleep. Please call 911 or Crime Stop, and then board member Jim Fortune (623-363-5703) or Donna White (623-877-9179, c 602-881-9285). We use 10320 W Campbell Ave. for the address when we report things. It would be good to use the same one. Thank you for your help!

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